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Plastic Recycling in Italy: The Consortium System

3 Jul 2024world of plastics

Plastic Recycling in Italy: The Consortium System

The consortia have regulated the waste recycling system in Italy for twenty-five years: CONAI, COREPLA, and POLIECO focus specifically on plastic.

In Italy, in addition to the laws in place, the waste recycling system is regulated by specific consortia. Legislative Decree 22/97, also known as the Ronchi Decree, established the duties and functioning of the consortium system, incorporating updates and innovations over the years.

The purpose of the consortia is to achieve the recycling and recovery targets of various materials throughout Italy and to support good waste management policies. However, it is important to note that, to date, separate waste collection in Italy exclusively concerns packaging (plastic, cardboard, aluminum, glass, etc.).

Let’s take a closer look at the consortia involved in plastic recycling in Italy and what the CAC Contribution is, which is necessary to enter the recycling and reuse circuit for this material.

>> Read about the types of plastics that can be recycled

Which Consortia Are Responsible for Plastic Recycling?

Currently, the consortia responsible for plastic recycling in Italy are: CONAI, COREPLA, and POLIECO.


1) CONAI – National Packaging Consortium

CONAI is a private, non-profit consortium. It is the main tool through which those who produce and use packaging try to meet the recycling and recovery targets set by law. Based on the principle of “shared responsibility,” it operates through seven consortia that deal with various packaging materials (steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, bioplastics, and glass).

For more information: www.conai.org


2) COREPLA – Consortium for the Collection, Recycling, and Recovery of Plastic Packaging Waste

COREPLA is the consortium that manages plastic packaging under the coordination of CONAI. It brings together actors in the plastic packaging supply chain, supports municipalities in developing effective separate collection systems, and ensures the recycling and recovery of plastic packaging in Italy.

For more information: www.corepla.it


3) POLIECO – National Consortium for the Recycling of Polyethylene Waste (excluding packaging)

POLIECO operates outside the CONAI circuit and promotes the collection of polyethylene (PE) materials once their life cycle is over. Its goal is to direct them towards recycling and recovery to reduce the amount of plastic waste destined for unsorted waste.

For more information: www.polieco.it

What Is the CONAI Environmental Contribution (CAC)?

The CAC (CONAI Environmental Contribution) is a fee that plastic-producing or importing companies pay to CONAI. It is a financing system that allocates costs among producers and users according to the principle of extended responsibility.

The Environmental Code defines the CAC as distributed according to the quantity, weight, and type of material placed on the Italian market. This applies to plastic as well as all other materials. Specifically, those required to pay it include:

  • Companies that produce or import packaging sold to the first user (whether a retailer or distributor)
  • Companies that produce the material and sell it to those who manufacture the packaging (“self-producer”)

The location of the companies is not discriminatory: they can be in Italy, in the EU, or outside the EU, but they must pay the CAC if the packaging will become waste in Italy.

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